Laura auf Reisen im Schafeland

Donnerstag, September 06, 2007

hey hey out there everyone and espacially to u my special schnuff, all in english so u can read it n everyone else is confused and to mama, yes i'm still alive, checkpoint one sydney airport :) well so its 9.30 now i'm hungry but as u r my 1. priority i thought i quickly use the free internet to wave some nice hellos in every direction back to upper hutt n forward to berlin :)
 so far i didnt really had trouble apart from my departure when the check in person had to call cairns cause they thought i was still in australia n when they couldn't connect our bridge to the plan in sydney n we got stuck for a while inside :P very funny! anyway, i gonna say goodbye for now n help myself to a nice(hopefully) breakfast n maybe some more souvenirs, i am still considering to "short visit" sydney but might be to much of a mission :)  might write n update from singapur. until then i send u all some nice knuddels see u soon in berlin ( on friday or chrismass depending who u r :p)